We have all used WhatsApp at some point in our life. In fact, it has become one of the top apps used for communication. Originally, it was created by two Americans in 2009. Have you ever thought what would it be like if it was created by Indians? I gave a thought about it and here are the results. Enjoy!

1. Caste System Would Have Been Included In WhatsApp

Everybody knows that India is very much obsessed with castes. That's why caste system would have been included in WhatsApp if it was originated in India. There would be a clear advantage for backward castes.

2. Sending Money Through PayTM Would Have Been Possible

"PayTM Karo" would have been actually possible in WhatsApp. PayTM is widely used in India because it provides seamless and hassles free money transfer service. Sending money via WhatsApp would be quick and easy with PayTM.

3. WhatsApp Would Have Shown Data Alerts

Remeber that time when your friend mysteriously went offline while leaving you in suspense? We, Indians (I'm not looking at you Jio users), know that data can get exhausted at any time (Thanks to heavy downloads and WhatsApp videos). It's common for us to face data crisis in the middle of the conversation with our crush. So, yeah, this data alert feature would have been handy.

4. More Cricket Emojis

OMG! How can we forget Cricket? Most of the Indians are crazy for cricket leagues like IPL so some emojis related to that would be included in WhatsApp without a second thought.

5. Ultra-Advanced Privacy Options Would Have Included in WhatsApp

Indian people are dead serious when it comes to their privacy. They do everything to protect it. So, WhatsApp would have sneaked advance privacy options in Settings as shown in the screenshot.

6. Life-Saving Warnings Pop-Ups

Guys can totally relate to this. If some guy ignores his girlfriend's text intentionally/accidentally then both his tension and later, his credit card bill increases. Indian WhatsApp version would have included these pop-ups to avoid such mischiefs.

7. Default About Section Would Be Very Different

WhatsApp default About section would have looked like this. 

8. Linkin' WhatsApp Account With Your Aadhar Card Would Have Been Mandatory

Right now, we are asked to link almost everything to our Aadhar Card in India. WhatsApp would have been no exception.

Disclaimer: This post is for entertainment purpose only. I do not mean to offend anybody or disrespect any company, Government or any person with this post.

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